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9. Dornelas, M., Antão, L ... Richards, C., ... et al. (Submitted) ‘BioTIME 2.0: expanding and improving a database of biodiversity time series.’ Global Ecology and Biogeography.

8. Richards, C., Collins, S.M., Fisher, K., Blackmore, R. Fifield, D. & Bates, A.E. (under revision) ‘Burrow nests fall below critical temperatures of threatened seabirds but offer thermal refuge during extreme cold events.’ FACETS.


7. Nikoo, M., Richards, C. & Bates, A.E. (2024) ‘Worldwide case of COVID-19 cabin fever as a motivator for conservation and sustainable action.’ Biological Conservation, 292, 110517.

6. â€‹Richards, C., Cooke, R. S. C., Bowler, D., Boerder, K. & Bates, A. E. (2023) ‘Bycatch-threatened seabirds disproportionally contribute to global community trait composition.' Global Ecology and Conservation, 49, e02792.

5. Collins, S.M., Hendrix, J… Richards, C., et al. (2022) ‘A bibliometric investigation of the integration of animal personality within conservation contexts.’ Conservation Biology, 37, e14021.

4. Richards, C., Cooke, R. S. C., Bowler, D., Boerder, K. & Bates, A. E. (2022) ‘Species’ traits and exposure as a future lens for quantifying seabird bycatch vulnerability in global fisheries’, Avian Conservation & Ecology, 7(1):34.

3. Bates, A. E., Primack, R., Biggar, B., Bird, T., Clinton, M., Command, R., Richards, C., et al. (2021) 'Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as threats and custodians of the environment', Biological Conservation, 109175.

2. Richards, C., Cooke, R. S. C. & Bates, A. E. (2021) 'Biological traits of seabirds predict extinction risk and vulnerability to anthropogenic threats', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30: 973–986.


1. Richards, C., Padget, O., Guilford, T. & Bates, A. E. (2019) ‘Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) rafting behaviour revealed by GPS-tracking and behavioural observations’, PeerJ , 7:e7863.

[Editors' Pick]

Manuscripts in prep


1. Richards, C., Collins, S.M., Blackmore, R., Montevecchi, W., et al. (in prep) ‘Direct and indirect impacts of a hurricane across a seabird breeding hotspot.’


2. Richards, C., et al. (in prep) 'Seabird biodiversity hotspots at Nunatsiavut polynyas during ice-covered and ice-free seasons'


3. Richards, C., et al. (in prep) 'Climate change constraints on seabird population trends in Eastern Canada and Inuit Nunangat'




Department of Ocean Science

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Newfoundland, Canada


cerrenrichards [at]​





© Cerren Richards 2023

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